
Learning disabilities


People with a learning disability and/or autism are citizens with rights, who should expect to lead happy, safe, active lives in the community and live in their own homes just as other citizens expect to. We need to reduce hospital admissions and improve services and support in the community, and improve the quality of life for people with a learning disability and/or autism. In Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland we have been part of the national Transforming Care programme seeking to achieve these changes in services and now this approach needs to become ‘business as usual’.


Future plans

Our plans include:

  • Supporting people with personal health budgets (personalising care around an individual’s needs)
  • Carrying out care and treatment reviews so we can best assess what is the most appropriate level of care and support for an individual
  • Providing support from a variety of care professionals in the community and avoiding admissions to hospital wherever possible
  • Promoting early intervention to avoid crisis episodes.