
What changes are being proposed?

Three Hospitals

The proposal is to re-shape acute and maternity services by moving all acute care to the Leicester Royal Infirmary (in the city centre) and to Glenfield Hospital (on the outskirts of Leicester on Groby Road).

Acute care includes services such as accident and emergency departments, inpatient and outpatient medicine and surgery, and in some cases very specialist medical care.

We propose to retain some non-acute services on the site of Leicester General Hospital, in Evington (three miles east of Leicester city centre on Gwendolen Road). The services that we propose to have at Leicester General include a diabetes centre of excellence, imaging facilities to help with diagnosing conditions, and stroke recovery services, including inpatient beds.

A midwifery-led birthing unit may be re-located to Leicester General Hospital. This is an option which will be informed by the views of the public expressed during this consultation.

We are also asking people for their views on other services that might be located at the Leicester General Hospital site in the future. This could include a primary care urgent treatment centre, observation beds, (keeping an eye on people who might be poorly enough to be admitted to hospital), community outpatient services  and potentially a new GP practice or increased primary care services.

We are seeking people’s views on the provision of hydrotherapy services.

Overall our plans will enhance the care provided to critically ill patients and will see the doubling of intensive care capacity for the most unwell patients. This addresses a long term shortfall in this area.

To view the consultation documents please click here